I enjoyed working with Anderson. You would too.


A beautiful face

Hi, I'm Anderson!

Web developer and Technical writer
Currently performing full-stack magic at @Skibble
Previously @Hackernoon and @Dantown

I am an experienced Web Developer with a proven track record of crafting and creating products for global companies.

I love collaborating in teams to create aesthetic and scalable web solutions.

I build mostly in Javascript & Typescript with a strong proficiency in technologies like React, Nextjs, Nodejs, MongoDB, and SQL databases, though I'm always excited to try out new technologies.

I also love writing and have a knack for making complex concepts clear and concise.


I'm always excited to try out the latest and greatest technologies, but these are some of the tools and technologies I currently use


I've had the honour of working at these amazing companies. Hopefully your company will be there too.

Full-stack Developer


June 2023 - Present

Frontend Web Developer

Helixgade Technologies Limited

Feb 2023 - June 2023

Frontend Developer


Jan 2021 - Oct 2022

Software Developer Intern


Jan 2022 - July 2022


Here are some of my favourite projects that I enjoyed working on during my free time.


This is a pixel-perfect integration of a landing page for Creon, an NFT, AI web project

NextJS, Tailwind, ShadcnUI, Typescript


This is an e-commerce app similar to amazon where users can purchase items

NextJS, Typescript, MaterialUI, MongoDB


Frontend Mentor - REST Countries API with color theme switcher

ReactJS, Styled-Components, React-Query, Typescript

Admin Dashboard

Data visualization dashboard with interactive charts showcasing key insights

ReactJS, NodeJS, Typescript, MaterialUI, Nivo Charts, Redux Toolkit


Along with my love for developing cool stuff, I also love to write and share my knowledge. Here are some of the articles I have written.

Want to connect?

I really appreciate it when people go out of their way to get in touch. I'll make sure to get back to you as soon as possible!